Application Form BIMS School
Download the Application Form below: 4.-BIMS-Application-Form.pdf (101 downloads ) Download the application form below: 4.-BIMS-Application-Form.pdf (101 downloads )
BIMS Primary-Secondary Policy and Guidelines
General information
Bujumbura International Montessori School is a private educational centre dedicated to providing quality education for children residing in Bujumbura in the Crèche, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school section. BIMS...BIMS Kindergarten Policy and Guidelines
General information
Bujumbura International Montessori School is a private educational centre dedicated to providing quality education for children residing in Bujumbura in the Crèche, Kindergarten, Primary and Years 7, 8, 9,...BIMS ADMISSION PROCEDURE
STEP 1: INFORMATION • School Policy and Guidelines •Fees Structure •Registration Form •Other Information STEP 2: DOCUMENTS •Submit Registration Form •Birth Certificate • Previous Academic Year Reports STEP 3: PROCESSING • School Entry Test (As Required) • Academic Head Analysis (As...
School Fees
School fees can be paid either as a lump sum before the start of the term or in 3 monthly installments; the first payment is to be paid before the start...
New enrollement for the 2024-2025
New enrolment for the 2024-2025 Let's set sail on a brand-new adventure together, where few have dared to go before! The wait is finally over! New enrolments for the 2024-2025 school year...