BIMS Kindergarten Policy and Guidelines
General information
Bujumbura International Montessori School is a private educational centre dedicated to providing quality education for children residing in Bujumbura in the Crèche, Kindergarten, Primary and Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and IGCSE Year 11 of the Secondary school section. BIMS is accredited with the British Pearson Edexcel Exam Board to present students for their International exams.
In the Crèche/ Maternelle section, children learn in a quiet and well structured environment using beautiful “hands- on” Montessori equipment and learning aids. The Montessori classes encourage the children to explore the world around them and most teaching/learning is on a one to one basis. Children are taught in either French or English based class groups but they commence to hear, understand and speak the other language as well. The programme aims to prepare children to speak and learn in French and English and after the 3 year pre-primary programme, to be able to enter the Primary school programme with confidence.
From September 2018 the Crèche/Matenelle section will be located at N°23 Ave Ririkumutima, opposite the Bumerec Hospital in Kabondo West.
The Primary School comprises of Years 1 and 2 of Key Stage 1 in the British system of the primary school curriculum, opened with the Year 1 in September 2007. Teaching continues on a one to one basis where appropriate and continues to reinforce the Montessori principles of Education. There is a strong emphasis on learning to read and write fluently English to strengthen the English courses. French is taught to all classes. Chinese language studies are introduced in Year 5 and 6.
New children entering Primary grades need to provide BIMS with the school report card from the previous school and if necessary, the children will need to complete a grading test at BIMS before the child is accepted into the appropriate class.
The Secondary school section comprises of Years 7, 8, 9 of Key Stage 3 and Year 10, 11 of Key Stage 4 and Year 12 of “A” levels, in the British system. New children entering Secondary grades need to provide BIMS with the school report card from the previous school and if necessary the children will need to complete a grading test at BIMS before the child is accepted into the appropriate class. Children entering from a French school system are recommended to take additional English Lessons during Term breaks.
Children entering Years 3 to 10 from non-English programme of studies. These students will be given additional English language support to assist them adapt to our teaching programme.
The main purpose of BIMS is to assist fully in the child’s total development.
- Socially: to develop a culture of good manners and habits in a calm and peaceful environment
- Emotionally: to be comfortable in a mixed group and to feel happy and loved.
- Academically: to be well equipped for Primary, Secondary and the life of knowledge and
- Physically: to develop strong healthy bodies able to perform tasks appropriate to their
Fees must be paid in full at one of the BIMS bank accounts before the start of each term to confirm the students place in class. Bank details are given on the Fee Structure Sheet. Please note, all student fees including lunch fees must be paid on time to ensure your child’s place at BIMS.
The bank receipt must be presented at the school office and a school receipt will be issued. Only the school and sports uniforms fee may be paid at the BIMS Office. All proof of payment, for the Crèche/Maternelle section, are to be presented at the BIMS main Administration offices.
Once paid, tuition fees for the term are non-refundable unless the fees have been paid for a whole year and your child has been withdrawn according to our school policy.
Parents who are late in paying the fees risk having their children suspended until payment is made. Children are to bring their own morning snack.
A hot nutritious lunch is available at school. The lunch fee is for a term and is payable at the bank only, not at school. Morning snacks are to be provided by the parents.
Ages and Classes
Crèche 18 months to 2 years 6 months
Montessori Kindergarten 2 years 7 months and older
Ages are taken at the beginning of the academic year (September)
Special needs children
These children up to the age of six will be accepted according to the availability of a suitable teacher on an individual basis and providing the disability does not disrupt the class unduly.
Academic year
At BIMS, the academic year starts in September and ends in June. It consists of three terms, from September to December, from January to March/April*, and from April to June. Key term dates are given at the beginning of each year, and a copy is available at the school notice board.
Working hours
School starts at 7.45 Monday to Friday and ends at 4.30 P.M. from Monday to Thursday but ends at 12 o’clock on Friday. Students can be dropped off at school no earlier than 7 A.M.
Teacher/Parents interactions
At least one teacher/parent consultation should take place each term to ensure the progress of your child as he/she progresses through the year. These are to be arranged on a one-to-one basis during the afternoon sessions, if possible, for the kindergarten section. In addition, there will be parent/teacher nights to enable parents to meet the teachers and to discuss issues concerning the smooth running of the school and to gain a better understanding of the teaching method and philosophy of BIMS Education.
Parents are also encouraged to visit the classes, provided this does not disrupt the children’s activities. However, appointment times and dates are required. Those parents wishing to actively assist in some classroom learning activities with the children can arrange to do so in consultation with the director and the class teachers. Parents are asked to allow a period of 4 weeks at the start of the school year before requesting class visits to enable new students to adapt to the new classroom environment.
Discipline Policy.
The Montessori Philosophy of Education encourages students and staff to act in a responsible manner. Students are encouraged to behave in a respectful and thoughtful manner and, with adult assistance, to settle disagreements peacefully. In extreme and unacceptable cases of disruptive behavior, parents will be notified.
If the behavior continues, the child will be suspended. No physical punishment of children is allowed at BIMS. If school materials are destroyed by pupils, a replacement fee will be charged.
There are several specific areas of concern.
- Bullying of students either by staff or other students is totally
- Stealing is a serious offense, and in addition to the restoration of the stolen property, offending students will receive an appropriate disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.
- Inappropriate language is strictly
- Violence is strictly
- Destruction or defacing of school or other people’s property is
Illness/Injury Policy.
Accident insurance is provided by BIMS. Children showing signs of illness will be treated in accordance with the information provided in the application form. If your child has a doctor who normally treats him/her, please provide the school with the details. An injury note will be sent home to inform parents of any treatment given for slight injuries. Parents must inform the school as soon as possible in the event of any communicable disease being contracted by their child so that notices of possible exposure can be given to other parents. The fee for the accident insurance coverage for children is covered by the school.
Download the BIMS Kindergarten Policy and Guidelines below:
2.-BIMS-Kindergarten-Policy-and-Guidelines.pdf (39 downloads )